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Please visit Ofer's profile, or check some highlights below.

Co-incident detection of electron-photon pairs

In a recent paper, we showed that as an electron beam passes near a cavity, it creates a new kind of pair. Just as physicists like to think of photons as excitations in the photon field, here, the electron excitation (loss of one energy quantum) is coupled with the photon excitation (gain of one energy quantum). The paper was detecting the co-excistence of these proto excitations and proving that they are, indeed, a pair.



Electron entanglement with photons - a roadmap towards strong coupling.

In a paper published in Physical Review Letters, Dr. Kfir explained the coupling mechanism between relativistic free electrons in a beam and photons confined to an optical micro-resonator. The coherent buildup of the coupling amplitude alongside with the high density of states in the cavity supports dramatically higher e-ph couplings than predicted before.


The first nano-scale magnetic imaging with a high-order harmonics

Using a super stable apparatus for polarization-controlled circularly polarized high order harmonics (MAZEL-TOV), we succeeded (in the lab of Claus Ropers, with Dr. Sergey Zayko) in reaching a "holy grail" - the imaging of nanoscale magnetic features using high harmonics.


Optical whispering-gallery-mode resonators strongly modulate the wave-function of free-electrons

In a recent publication in Nature we showed light trapped in micro-resonators drastically modulates the electron wave-function. In the next step (currently under review) we harnessed mature silicon photonics (SiPh) technology to make the light-electron interaction unprecedentedly strong, such that even a micro-watt of power can affect the electron state.

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